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Welcome one and all to the internet home of Olde School Renaissance Productions, Inc

Happy APRIL! We've just completed our very first school event of the year as well as the first weekend of Renaissance Faire all the way out here in Visalia! For the first time they will be open for two weekends this year! SO it's not too late to come see the trebuchet launch cabbages into the jousting lists this coming weekend of April 20-21st! They will also be holding a quest for the little ones to be knighted by her royal majesty and we have plenty of chainmail for them to try!


Our crew is busy this month with the two weekends of ren faire we still have another school event in King City as well as a Lions Event for special kids. 


the season has truly started out on a positive foot and we cannot wait to hopefully see you out on the field!

Olde School Renaissance Productions, inc is a Non-Profit 501(c)3 organization whose two guilds strive to educate the public on many attributes from the 1500s. St. Barbara's is about military weapons which include our 1/5th scale functioning trebuchet and soon our full scale ballista.

St, Genesius is all about court and country dances of the time and is not limited to any and all creative projects from crochet to paper making to spice mulling. 

We do many renaissance faires throughout California, USA as well as help schools of all ages with their medieval projects.

To learn more just scroll through our menu and maybe even come see us at an upcoming event!

if you are interested in joining us please inquire on the contact us page or email us at

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