Welcome to the home page of the guild of Saint Barbaras
Olde School Renaissance Productions introduces our first of the sister guilds, the Guilde of Saint Barbara's, we named her after the patron Saint Barbara, who was patron saint of siege weapons and destruction. We as a guild educate the public on weapons , specifically siege weapons like the trebuchet , onager( catapult) and even the ballista. we have in our guild a master chainmail maker and will be more then willing to let you try it on, any age, to feel a fraction of what our knights wore. and if you hear from anyone "are we clear?' look to the sky as we fire our 1/5th scale trebuchet.
Our Guild Master
Allow us a moment to introduce ourselves, if you please. We are Don Juan de Maraña of España and are traveling about these British isles to provide a grand service to those in need. What service would that need be, you ask? Siege Weapons of course!
a history on our favorite:
The Trebuchets
As a organization, we have been in the trebuchet business since 2006. Don Juan built our first 1/5th scale trebuchet and we began to tour renaissance faires as well as schools with her in tow. on her best day, she can fire up to 70ft. her counterweight is adjustable to what you're throwing but keep in mind its 80/1 ratio. we over the years have tossed from bocce balls( they leave dents) to hackie sack to pumpkins, water balloons and cabbage. our favorite to toss is cabbage as she is an easy missile to keep track of.
We didn't stick to just the standard trebuchet either, we also had for a time the traction trebuchet in our arsenal, but as in history it became clear to us that it just wasn't a type of trebuchet meant for travel.
Fast forward a few years and we have rebuilt trebuchet1.0 once more put Don Juan to work with the ideas of a collapsible trebuchet. While she maybe heavier now she is much easier to transport!! still 1/5th scale and firing cabbages and the occasional water balloon at school events
Introducing our Master of Chainmail, Sir Killian Murray
Sir Killian Murray is our brilliant and highly skilled Chainmail Artist. He has made a few full suits of armor and brings with us shirts for all ages to try on at renaissance faires. He makes jewelry in his free time and if you find something you like or are interested in, he welcomes your conversation.
Other things we provide include small table top catapults for children to learn to shoot and they never walk away empty handed. For our older guests we do have weaponry which our members are more then happy to demonstrate and talk with you about,
We are overflowing with information about all we bring with us, please never hesitate to ask!